2021 Christmas Drive

During our second Christmas Drive, Almond Blossom Initiative (ABI) worked with Limitless Horizons of Florida (LHOF), and together, students from both organizations donated over 50 gifts for 14 low-income families from their personal wishlists. 

As students, most of ABI’s work is centered in the education system, however, we acknowledge that this may mean that many families do not have much left over for things such as Christmas presents and warm holiday meals. In addition, we simply believe that regardless of one’s investment in their education, the holidays are a time when everyone deserves to relax and not worry about their income, but instead eat a meal with their loved ones and experience the joy of opening a present from them. 

To help this experience be possible, aside from providing gifts for these families, ABI and LHOF volunteers helped serve a warm meal provided by the chefs at New Hope Church and decorate the church with ribbons, trees, and ornaments, creating a festive environment for families to enjoy the day with each other. 

As families began to arrive, some of the tension left parents’ shoulders and kids ran around making friends fast. We played with the children and meanwhile, Mariah Carey's songs played in the background, meals were served, and the place was filled with chatter and laughter, soon to be followed by handing out presents.

When ABI and LHOF volunteers began to call families up to receive their presents, the parents’ eyes held an immense amount of gratitude as they watched their kids’ entire world light up. They were so happy with just their first gifts—the things which their 

parents had carefully selected so that not only could they receive something new, but also fulfill basic needs—so when they found out they had more, both the kids’ and parents’ eyes were filled with pure happiness, the same happiness they deserve to have year-round, the same happiness we feel when we receive gifts from our loved ones. I sincerely hope that is a moment that these families can look back on with fondness, but I know that for both ABI and LHOF volunteers, this exact moment is a memory that we will never forget. A memory we strive to make possible for as many people as we can, all year long, for as many years as we can.