2023 Back-To-School Drive

As stores begin to hang up their "Back to School" signs over the various aisles of school supplies, the Almond Blossom Initiative's team is hard at work making education more accessible. 

On any typical school supply list, some students spend hundreds of dollars on just getting prepared for school. The cost of needing to buy not only the paper and pencils for school but also the backpacks, cleaning supplies, and new clothes for the school year all add up to a large grand total.  A student should never be at fault for a worse school year experience because they couldn't afford adequate supplies to even get started. 

This is where the Almond Blossom Initiative steps in. As a student-run organization, we understand how important it is to start off the school year strong. A good first few days can set the tone for the rest of the year, so we focus not only on creating great first day experiences but also amazing starts to education.

Board members can be seen moving supplies into storage at the school (left to right, Whitney Choung, Philip Yong, Frances Yong, Andrew Chen)

The Almond Blossom has been working with local school Phillis Wheatly Elementary for the past three years in achieving their mission: breaking down educational barriers that factor into poverty. Located in South Apopka, one of the poorest areas in central Florida, support for the educational system and students is incredibly critical. The Almond Blossom Initiative, as of 2023, has now been able to help over 90 students attending Phillis Wheatly prepare for their educational journies. Through the help of generous community donors and the work of the Almond Blossom Initiative leadership board, the organization helped stock the school's nurse's office with new socks and undergarments,  30 classrooms with hygienic supplies, provide 30 new students with backpacks and other essential supplies.